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Communities of Practice

A list of retired Communities of Practise and their artifacts

Working Groups 

A list of retired working groups and their artifacts


This archive includes past programmes and presentation where the presenter has given permission to share.


A list of retired standards groups and their artifacts


A list of completed projects and their artifacts


Information on all sector-relevant events, run by TD-Info and other organisations.


News and blogs to keep you in the know. 

Multi Domain Integration (MDI) Monthly Blog – March 2023

Welcome to the second MDI Working Group Monthly Blog, a short communication document designed to bring insights and additional perspectives to the pursuit of Integration across the Defence Enterprise. Our MDI Working Group blog builds on the February Blog, continues...

AdM Hack – sign up today

The Future Capability Group (FCG) Open Innovation Laboratories (OIL) Additive Manufacture Hack will take place on the 3 & 4 April 23. We recently held a launch and network event the details of which are here: Additive Manufacturing Hack Launch and Networking 9...