Power and Energy Technologies for a Sustainable and Low Carbon Military

Dr Robert Reeve

Principal Scientist, Power, Acoustics and Future Technologies Team, DSTL

This​ presentation​ will ​investigate​ the​ opportunities​ and​ limitations​associated​ with​ alternative​ fuels​ and​ energy​ carriers​ in​ support​ of​MODs​ Operational ​capability.​ It​ will​ include​ an​ overview​ of ​the ​power​source​ technologies​ that​ are​ likely​ to​ be​ available​ in​ the​ future​ and​what​ these​ offer ​to ​Defence.​ A​ view​ as​ to​ the​ likely​ impact​ such​technologies​ offer​ will ​be​ provided​ together ​with​ commentary on the challenges and barriers to their uptake.

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Categories: Logs Tx Team - IEG PUBLIC, Logs Tx Team – IEG