Dstl SME Searchlight

Under the Dstl SME Searchlight banner Dstl develops and participates in a number of engagement events, workshops and consultations (run by Dstl in partnership with the trade bodies and independantly), with an ambitious target of 60% of suppliers who have not worked within Defence before being bought into Dstl’s supply chain.

Dstl has developed “SME Searchlight”, an engagement programme specifically targeted at SMEs. SME Searchlight was started as a programme of activity aiming to engage SMEs and “non-traditional” Defence suppliers to meet the needs of a £40 million – £45 million increase in research spend in 2019, that was expected to be placed externally from programmes across Dstl

This Project is where information about SME Searchlight Events is shared with members

Priority Documents/Files

There are 4 priority documents/files associated with this community:

Science & Technology Strategy 2020 PUBLIC PA  Expand

Dstl SME Action Plan PUBLIC PA  Expand

Future Ground Combat Systems Research 18 Mrch 21 PUBLIC P  Expand

Land Systems – Modular Integrated Protection Systems (MIPS) PUBLIC P  Expand

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Associated News

There are no current news stories associated with this community.