DSN(T) – Defence Support Network (Transformation) Programme


The Defence Support Network (Transformation) (DSN(T)) concept phase has concluded and the programme has entered its delivery phase, following submission and approval of a Main Gate Business Case.

The delivery phase is expected to run until March 2020, although the transformation of the DSN will extend beyond this period.

It is recognised that Industry is a key DSN(T) stakeholder, as a significant proportion of the spend on Defence support relates to outsourced activities.

Accordingly, as part of the delivery phase, there will be an Industry Enablers work stream, within which a number of potential industry innovation projects have been identified, examples of which could be:

  • Information Flow and Exchange
  • Support Optimisation
  • Optimise Joint Government/ Industry Assets
  • Information Innovation

To facilitate this, the DSN(T) Programme Management Organisation (PMO) is commencing an informal market engagement exercise through Team Defence Information (TD-Info) .

All Industry parties are invited to participate in this informal market engagement exercise, through the contribution to and/or the submission of a DSN(T) Project Initiation Document (PID).

To find out more, you are encouraged to contact TD-Info’s Task Force representative for DSN(T) activities: Kevin Atkins – kevin.atkins@teamdefene.info

Following receipt of the PIDs, a prioritisation review will be undertaken by the DSN(T) PMO to identify any follow-on activity to be supported through the DSN(T) delivery phase.

Follow on activity will be the subject of a competition process, where appropriate.

NB: Industry can submit PIDs on a rolling basis for consideration – contact at TD-Info is Kevin Atkins (email address as above).

When TD-Info issues communication updates on DNS(T) to Industry, htey are shared wtih partner trade bodies ADS and techUK for them to disseminate amongst their members.

Priority Documents/Files

There are 8 priority documents/files associated with this community:

Defence Growth Partnership Document PUBLIC PA  Expand

Paper by Major Nik Krykunivsky RLC – Fujitsu Support Competition 2020/21 PUBLIC P  Expand

Support Chain Seminar 17_Delivering DSNT_Gp Capt Andy Curtis PUBLIC P  Expand

DSN(T) General status Presentation with TD-Info overview v5_06 Nov 17 PUBLIC P  Expand

DSN Information Enablers Workstrand_Notes 010917 PUBLIC P  Expand

20170810-TD-Info_DSN(T)_Update (MOD Approved) PUBLIC P  Expand

DSNT_Project Initiation Document_PID Worked Example PUBLIC P  Expand

DSNT_Project_Initiation_Document_PID_Blank Template_v0_8 PUBLIC P  Expand

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