Operational Energy Trends

Bradley Fitzsimmons

MOD DE&S Future Capability Group

DE&S​ Future​ Capability​ Group​ are​ exploring​ and​ exploiting​ new​capability​ areas​ for​ the​ Army, ​Royal​ Navy​ and​ Strat​Comm.​ This​exploration​ is​ starting​ to​ highlight​ energy​ challenges​ linked​ to​Operational​ Energy​ usage​ which​ will ​impact​ the​ ability​ of​ these​capabilities​ to​ deliver ​operational​ advantage.​ The​ purpose​ of​ this​ talk is to highlight the technologies being explored and challenge​ areas​which ​will ​need​ to​ be​ addressed​ to​ make​ the​ future​ capabilities​ on​ the​ battlefield​ efficient​ and​ effective.

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Categories: Logs Tx Team - IEG PUBLIC, Logs Tx Team – IEG