Exolum-PS (MOD contracts

and Green Initiatives)

Luke Robbins MSci (Hons)

Commercial Director, Exolum Pipeline System

The​ Exolum​ Group​ (formerly​ CLH​ Group)​ are​ leaders​ in​ Europe​ in​liquid​ product​ logistics ​and​ are​ represented​ globally,​ owning​ and​operating​ 68​ storage​ terminals, ​in​excess​ of ​6,000km​ of​ pipeline​giving​ Exolum​ a​storage​ capacity​ of ​11M​cubic​meters.​ Exolum​ Group​acquired​ the​ former ​GPSS​ following​ the​ sale​ completion​ in​ May​ 2015​creating​ Exolum-PS.​ Exolum-PS​ manages​ direct​ supply​ by​ pipeline​ to​7​ MoD​ air​bases​ in​ the​ UK​ and​ offers ​supply​ex-terminal ​via​ road​deliveries​ to​ remote​ bases​ as​ well ​as ​delivering​ a​ significant ​amount​ of​ the​ UKs ​jet​ demand​ to​ key​ airports ​including​ Heathrow,​ Gatwick,​Stansted​ and ​Manchester.

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