Joy Aloor

The​ Clean​ Tyne​ project​ is​ a​ collaboration ​between​ the​ Port​ of​ Tyne,​Siemens,​ Newcastle​ University, ​the​ Connected​ Places​ Catapult, ​and​the​ North​ East ​LEP.​ Our​ main​ goal ​is ​to ​establish​ future​ use​ cases ​that ​will​ help decarbonise the Port and reduce energy costs. A key​enabler ​of ​this​ will​ be​ a​ digital ​platform​ developed​ and deployed by Siemens aiming to support decision making​ for ​critical​ infrastructure.​Outcomes ​of ​the​ project ​will ​be​ used​ as​ a​ data-driven​ evidence​ base​to​ establish​ how​ a ​multi-vector​ renewables ​port ​can​ drive​ operational​transition ​and​ wider ​compliance​ to ​deliver​ on ​the ​Governments​ Clean​Air ​Strategy​(2019), ​Clean​ Maritime​ Plan​(2020),​ and​ the ​Maritime​ 2050​ Strategy.

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Categories: Logs Tx Team - IEG PUBLIC, Logs Tx Team – IEG